Marca: Fluke
Codice: FLU005100a
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Prodotto di Fluke con codice FLU005100a,
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Calibratore Multifunzione

The 5100 Series offers the flexibility of calibrating and testing all types of meters with a single Calibrator. You no longer need separate sources for dc volts, ac volts, current or resistance. The 5100 Series is at home calibrating everything from one-function panel meters to autoranging digital multimeters having up to 4'/2 digits of resolution. Flexibility of operation is also impressive. First, you can use the 5100A much as you would any Calibrator on the bench, performing all the procedural calibration steps by hand, but letting the 5100A’s microprocessor do the error computations for you. Or you can choose the 5101A if you want automated testing via the built-in cassette tape — using procedures you “write” yourself. Finally, you can opt for full systems applications using IEEE Std. 488 or EIA Std RS-232 interfaces. Optimized Calibration The 5100 Series provides all the voltages, currents, frequencies, and resistance needed to calibrate modern analog and digital multimeters. An inspection of the ac voltage specifications will show voltages to 1000V rms are available at 400 Hz, but only lower voltages are provided at other frequencies. This was done for several reasons. First, only’ä very few, mostly uncommon, voltmeters require recalibration at volt-hertz levels not provided by the 5100 Series. Even these may still be properly calibrated with the 5100 Series. Consider the ac to dc Converter. A modern DMM converts ac input voltages to proportional dc levels through a circuit called the ac Converter. The Converter consists of two elements requiring recalibration: the input attenuator and a wide-band operational Amplifier. The attenuator is a passive resistive - capacitive network which attenuates high voltage signals to 1 volt or 0.1 volt (typical) 5101A:before being applied to the Amplifier. The attenuation ratio (frequency response) is usually a calibration step in a DMM and may readily be recalibrated with a high voltage low frequency and a low voltage high frequency. Such voltages are provided by the 5100 Series calibrators. The Amplifier is also calibrated for frequency response, but always at low levels regardless of frequency since its maximum input from the attenuator is typically one volt. Second, calibrators with a wide volt-hertz dynamic range, such as the Fluke 5200A/5205 A, require increased power at the output to compensate for the effects of capacitive loading. This output power at high voltage and frequency is also presented to the operator and equipment. Therefore, high power calibrators are a special case requiring skilled, experienced operators. Thirdly, recalibration of voltmeters does not generally require a wide dynamic range of voltage and frequency. To include such capability would add unnecessarily to the size, weight, complexity, and cost of the Calibrator. 5100A:Up to three-fourths of the workload of meter calibration laboratories and production lines consists of analog and digital meters with 4'/2-digits or less resolution. The 5100A Calibrator will calibrate these meters quickly and efficiently. Operating the 5100A is simple and straightforward. You enter data via a calculator type keyboard in the same format that you encounter it in the manufacturer’s cal procedure. No need to convert volts to dBm or dBm to volts. The 5100A performs the mathematical computations associated with calculating the error of the unit under test (UUT) in % or in dB. Then it indicates to the operator whether the UUT passed or failed the test and the magnitude of the error.

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